Quick Info:
Scrap Tire Recycling

Dirk Gerlach Engineer
Recycling Solution with Rotary Kiln Thermolysis by DGE
Our core competence is the thermolysis in indirect heated rotary kilns, but you probably searching for a complete solution of your disposal problem.
By our cooperation in different networks we are generating integrated disposal and recycling solutions, which will present here in future.
Our main focus of attention is in local disposal, local producing of usefull products and maybe energy supply with electric power (200 kW to 1MW) and thermal heat.
A new concept of waste recycling
With some partners we developt a new recycling concept where nearly all waste educts can be changed to interesting products. Read more at the new site ... |
DGE Thermolysis
Wide variety of products
DGE thermolysis plants are designed for a wide range of product treatment. See a variety of possibilities...
Recycling solutions
Production solutions:
Wide variety of process
Due to the wide range of process parameters (residence time, filling degree, temperatures) different processes are possible:
250 - 350 °C |
Torrefication = partly thermolysis |
explosive risc process, high content of acids |
350 - 500 °C |
Low Temperature Thermolysis |
only particulary cracking |
500 - 800 °C |
Middle Temperature Thermolysis |
efficient heat transfer |
800 - 950 °C |
High Temperature Thermolysis |
efficient heat transfer, but higher energy consumption |
950 - 1.100 °C |
Gasification = total cracking into H2, CO, C |
high energy consumption with inderect heating, expensive materials |
Plant sizes
type |
design throughput * |
status |
remarks |
MY |
10 kg/h |
under construction |
30 kg/h |
start of development 2016 |
80 kg/h |
available |
electric heated, containerized, same controls as MIDI |
250 kg/h |
designed |
gas heated |
500 kg/h |
prefered standard |
electrical heated, can be combined with renewable energy plants |
1,000 kg/h |
designed |
alternative MIDI-Duo |
2,000 kg/h |
designed |
alternative MIDI-Quad |
3,500 kg/h |
individual design |
Ultra |
7,000 kg/h |
individual design |
*= The throughput refers to a density of 0.4 t/m³ and a residence time of 60 minutes in the continuous process.
DGE Safety Concept
For DGE-Engineers safety has the highest priority!
Therefor following engineering packages are our standard:
- Mechanical stress calculation for kiln shell and support (design for 100.000h)
- Process design for all time safety operation
- HAZOP basic analysis for the complete plant
- HAZOP detail analysis for each unit
- SIL checking for sensors
- Explosive protection concept
- Fire protection concept
- Safety and healthy concept
Further information you find on our page for thermolysis safety.
Your Requests
To get the knowledge of your famous requests we started an internet survey:
Dipl.-Ing.(FH) Dirk Gerlach Passion for Innovation
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A Service of LEO GmbH.